
Our Website Maintenance Pricing

Basic Plan

$99 / mo

Includes 1hr/month of professional services for your basic needs..

  • Updating content/images
  • Backups, bug fixing, etc.


Small Org Plan

$249 / mo

Includes 3hr/month of professional services for your web needs..

  • Updating content/images
  • Backups, bug fixing, etc.
  • Custom design work for marketing campaigns/blogs, etc.

Business Plan

$649 / mo

Includes 7hr/month of professional services for your needs..

  • Content, Images, etc
  • Backups, bug fixing, etc.
  • Design new custom pages/graphics

Custom Plan

$xxx / mo

We would love to discuss a custom plan for your business needs. We can set up 10 hr/week, 20/hr week, etc.

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